The Stallions
We proudly present quality stallions with outstanding bloodlines
to produce present and future champions.

CD Fire The Paparazzi
Claybury Set Fire To The Reign x Rayvik Champ’s Tickled Pink
5/14/2022AMHR and ASPC Registered

Cobblecreeks Kenos Max A Million
Rhapsody’s Mr. Millionheir (HOF) x Lilac Hills Eyes On The Prize
Foaled: 5/25/2022AMHR and ASPC Registered

Claybury Set Fire To The Reign
Rhapsody's Reign Man (HOF) x Rhapsody’s Fashion Heiress (HOF)
Foaled: 4/14/2017AMHR and ASPC Registered

Marystown Charmer’s Girl Crazy
Royal Spun Charmer x Royal Golden Surprise
Foaled: 5/6/2018AMHR and ASPC Registered
The Geldings

Candylands Protest This Investment (HOF)
Westwind Farms Spunky Attitude x Candylands Justa Dreaming
4/18/2009 32.50"AMHA and AMHR Registered

RHA Unique Masterpiece (HOF)
Wa-Full Unique Legend x Curry’s Northern Rose
Foaled: 6/4/2015 37"AMHR and ASPC Registered