Bar B A Silent Perfection

McCarthy's Aloha Silent Partner x ML Impressives Velvet Lace


Foaled: 5/21/201331"AMHA/AMHR Registered
Parentage Qualified

Show Highlights

  • 2014 Reserve National Champion Mare Yearling
    30" & Under
  • AMHA Supreme Champion at the 2014 ECMHC Spring Fling
  • 2013 Reserve World Champion Weanling Mare
    26" & Under


"Barbie" is the result of a superb cross of McCarthy's Aloha Silent Partner on a daughter of World Champion Lucky Four Galahads Impressive. Her full sister, Bar B My Silent Heart, was named 2013 National Champion Yearling Mare 30" & Under!


For such a small filly, we believe she combines all the characteristics necessary to compete at the highest level of competition - a beautifully dished face, elegant femininity, long well shaped neck, short strong back, and perfectly straight legs to highlight a few.


McCarthy's Aloha Silent Partner NFCS Superman Dell Teras Super Man
Rawlinsons Fannie
McCarthy's Kiss of Hershey H.P. Jerichos New Image (HOF)
Michigans Sugar Cube (HOF)
ML Impressives Velvet Lace Lucky Four Galahads Impressive Bond Chauncy
Lucky Four Cherish
Lucky Four Black Velvet Bo Peep Little Kings Black Velvet
Lucky Four Powder Puff Derby